
interuniversity certificate in clinical infectiology and medICAl microbiology


Interuniversity Course  in Infectiology and Clinical Microbiology 2021 - 2023[starts on October 7th 2021, organised jointly by the ULB ("UniversitéLibre de Bruxelles"), the UCL ("Université Catolique de Louvain") andthe ULg ("Université de Liège")].


First announcement of the Interuniversity Continuous Education (with certification) on Clinical Infectiology and Medical microbiology [organised jointly by the VUB ("Vrije UniversiteitBrussel"), the KUL ("Katholieke Universiteit Leuven"), the UGent ("Universiteit Gent"), the UA ("Universiteit Antwerpen"), the "Jessaziekenhuis" (Hasselt) and the ITM ("Institute of Tropical Medicine",Antwerpen)].